
Meet Mama Tokus - an entertaining and edifying, funky and funny singer, hostess and poetess who writes and sings nu soul, blues and R&B tunes (old, proper Ray Charles-style R&B, that is), nu-music-hall ditties and humorous (but always groovy) tunes – memorable originals and interpretations.

What the people say:

“Like Dr John in a three-way with Shirley Bassey and Eartha Kitt”

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Transition Tokus 2012

This Christmas brought me closer to doom.

OK, so the Mayan spokesman is saying for us not to worry, but December 20th, 2012 is looking like a big deadline for civilisation. With the emphasis on dead. That’s what my pessimistic side is telling me.

Luckily, as a Libran, I balance out with a big dose of optimism. And it’s this that is going to get me through the dark days until next December. That and my growing collection of survivalist literature: Collins Gem Trees and Food for Free; Fresh Food from Small Spaces, Ray Mears Survival Handbook, Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, Lost Lore, Good Housekeeping Household Handbook 1983, Caitlin Moran’s  How To Be A Woman...

I'll have a Muddy Puddle please
I’m stockpiling knowledge right now. Soon it will be bottled water and iodine, filter straws for purifiying brackish water, mung beans for easy protein sprouted in the darkness when the lights go out on Planet Earth, a bicycle generator for off-grid personal power, a bicycle blender for apoca-lattes, a head-full of flour and water recipes, seeds to start my post-apocalyptic smallholding, songs to share with the stragglers who survive with me to begin our New Dawn. And a crossbow. For rabbits. And those who don’t like my songs.

So far, I’ve bought my After-Disaster Alpha Male (A.D.A.M) a toy catapult to try out on seagulls, but we’ll be trading up to real weapons as The Date With Destiny approaches.

I’m dusting off my Girl Guide 1983 (it was a good year for skills) firestarting and log-lashing badgework notes so that I can build an Ikea-style kitchen from leafmatter and cowpats, in the flickering light of my woodland hearth.

I plan to use the time until December to seriously augment my skills and wisdom enough to ensure that me and A.D.A.M make it through to this Game’s next level. I’m calling this process Transition Tokus and I’ll be reporting my progress throughout right here in digital ink.

Of course, when They pull the plug on the web servers, I’ll be scratching my journal into the walls of my cave, where it will remain, undisturbed for aeons until future archaeologists unearth my scrabblings and use it as evidence to prove how primitive Man was in 2012... 

Mama Tokus

Mama Tokus

Mama Tokus

Mama Tokus

Mama Tokus

Mama Tokus

Crooning Mama

Mama Tokus